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Hope in the Hills: Metanoia Retreat Center is Supporting Refugees in Southern Lebanon

Evlin Hüseyinoğlu

Israel's invasion of Lebanon has received international attention. The Lebanese are trying to survive under difficult conditions. The Metanoia Retreat Center in Chouf, Lebanon, has become a refuge for many. We spoke with George, the founder of the center, about the damage the occupation has left on the local community and their basic needs. The Metanoia Center is seeking donations to continue meeting the needs of displaced families.

Interview: Evlin Hüseyinoğlu

Can you tell us a bit about Metanoia Retreat Center? Where is it located?

At Metanoia, we are dedicated to guiding the human spirit towards awakening—on every level of existence. We believe that the healing of the body and soul is intertwined with the healing of the world around us, and this is at the core of all we do. Our mission is to nurture, support, and offer refuge, especially in times like these, when humanity itself seeks shelter.

What specific work is Metanoia doing to support the refugees fleeing from the war?

In the early days of this humanitarian crisis, we were called to respond to the most essential needs—mattresses, blankets, food, and medicine. We provided shelter to those whose lives had been uprooted. Now, as the weeks unfold, we find ourselves shifting focus to meet the ongoing challenges of hygiene, providing sanitary kits to women and thick winter clothes to withstand the cold of Chouf’s high altitudes (850m - 1300m above sea level).

We listen to the needs of these souls and respond with the care and dignity they deserve.

What are the most urgent needs at the center right now to continue providing help to these families?

As the displaced find temporary refuge in public schools and under the care of local municipalities in the Chouf district, the need for winter clothing, hygienic supplies, and basic comfort is urgent as the cold begins to set in. These people, caught between worlds, are in need of both physical warmth and the warmth of human kindness.

What are the biggest challenges you’re currently facing in your humanitarian efforts?

Our greatest challenge is the rising cost of providing what was once considered basic. Prices have soared—mattresses that once cost $7 now demand $18, and every piece of aid requires more resources than before. Yet, the need has only grown, and the gap between what we can offer and what is required widens. We face this with faith, knowing that the human heart is capable of boundless generosity when called upon.

How can people contribute or help support the work you're doing at Metanoia?

For those across the world who hear this call, your support can transcend borders. Donations sent from abroad help us continue this sacred work, ensuring that we can meet the immediate and growing needs of these displaced families. We are deeply grateful to all who trust Metanoia in this mission, knowing that your contribution becomes more than just aid—it becomes a lifeline of hope.

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